Study Blog -- M. Ni

Prompt III – Interactive Learning

Education seems to change continuously, and learners are no longer expected to sit down in classes and take notes. Learning programs have now become more appealing and interactive. Interactive learning has now become a real-world approach to education. The use of interactive learning resources in a classroom enriches education and creates a sense of motivation and excitement for learners. It involves combining classes with new interactive materials such as tablets. These learning resources are designed around a simple principle that without practical student engagement, many students do not understand the depth of the study. They assist in promoting an atmosphere full of learner’s participation and interaction. Interactive learning can take place through two different forms, by the use of technology and also in the ordinary classroom.

One method of implementing an interactive learning method is through the use of technology and digital extension. It actively engages learners with the learning material and reinvigorates the classroom for both students and the teachers (Hwang & Lai., 2017). To enhance student’s interactions, instructors can create an interactive exercise, which will involve students answering in their tablets. The exercises can involve matching and fill in the blank space. These will capture the student’s attention and encourage them to contribute to closed online communities where they can replicate the benefits of a social network but in a safe environment supervised by instructors.

Another way of using interactive learning resources to ensure learner needs are met is by use of an inverted classroom. This encompasses instructor selecting a course content to be studied at home in advance before the next class. This will make students spend more time engaging in interactive learning strategies such as discussion. The use of a flipped classroom helps to respect the learning periods of different students’ profiles in a lesson, especially concerning language education, where the method of knowledge acquisition is not the same (Zhang et al., 2017).

Worth noting is that there are several interactive learning styles, that can assist teachers in creating an interactive classroom such as brainstorming and the use of group discussion. Efficient learning and teaching resources assist in strengthening students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills.



Hwang, G. J., & Lai, C. L. (2017). Facilitating and bridging out-of-class and in-class learning: An interactive e-book-based flipped learning approach for math courses. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 20(1), 184-197.

Zhang, S., Liu, Q., Chen, W., Wang, Q., & Huang, Z. (2017). Interactive networks and social knowledge construction behavioral patterns in primary school teachers’ online collaborative learning activities. Computers & Education, 104, 1-17.


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